I, am Landru...
As supreme ruler of Beta III, Landru the omnipotent master computer, fell victim to the intellectual ramblings of Captain Kirk. Kirk talked circles around the poor 5000 year old computer system, and made it let the smoke out. Luckily, AIML and JFRED bots aren't so easily argued with until they explode.
All 4 of the bots are working now. A minor internet glitch delayed the beginning of testing on Eugene, but so far so good.
I thought about trying to invoke the Buddhist symbol of the eight spoked wheel as a kind of logo for the Turing Hub, but settled on the penny farthing bicycle. I don't really get what it meant if anything in the television series, The Prisoner. There was just a certain connectedness that I could feel about it.
I reached the Hub from StumbleUpon. My main comment is that the bots are rather blisteringly fast in their replies. They would be more convincingly human if you could factor in some time for thinking and typing.
When I asked something twice, it gave me the exact same answer, which seems non humanish
If you ask someone a question, and they give you a truthful answer, should the answer change if you ask it again?
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