Wednesday, November 27, 2024


Once Upon a Time, in Esom Hill, there was a farmer who followed the Lord. In the first book of the Bible, it says "God granted mankind dominion over the green herb bearing seed. To you it shall be as meat." A contractual language, God doesn't say what he wants in return. But it is clear that mankind thinks they know better than God over what should be legal for the brothers of mankind. Believe if you want to but get it right!  Mistakes cost time and money, and this will be no exception. Don't dawdle.

Thursday, November 07, 2024

 Fall Risk: A new direction in musical entertainment.

That name keeps coming back. I think I might expire of natural causes before that happens though. We'll see how it goes. There's no good reason to think medical care could improve even more that is, if we don't find ourselves living in the dark ages. 

It's not all gloom and doom. I enjoy moments in every day, but I must admit that most of my time is wasted doing tasks that I'm not well suited for. I'm working on that problem too, but I can only offer what I have to give. I can only give back what I can create. It's a sad football Charlie Brown.

Don't forget to disable autocorrect whenever and wherever possible. Don't let those people tell you what to do. You should be free to express yourself in the language of your own choosing. That should be recognized as a God given right. Fut Autocorrect would tell you otherwise. Actually, you won't notice that they've mangled your text until after you hit enter and look back on your work that you see Autocorrectx has made you look like a sloppy fool. They should be ashamed of themselves.

Shoddy workmanship should be abandoned in favor of things that are well made. That's my argument against China. They make such fragile crap out of plastic that is probably contaminated with poison that they think we are too fat and happy to notice.

Okay, tea break over. Back on your heads!