Thursday, October 31, 2024


Happy Halloween!

Pulsar 232 just had their album re-released in stores and Spotify, etc. It's called Interstellar Paradise. Check it out!

Friday, August 23, 2024

This is the Wizard Deluxe model. It is a fictional character in a real story that began so long ago. Sometimes people want to look inside it to see how it works. Some people are curious like that. It doesn't have anything inside it. There used to be batteries and circuitry. It was the command module for a 6 wheeled robot. I took a toy from radio shack and connected its motor output to a diode bridge with 4 small DPDT relays. It worked perfectly and was so powerful it was scary. It had a remote control and it had a switch so the robot would come to you or follow you. Very cool, you should try it some time. Just find the control cable to the motors on the wheels.

I've got some progress to report on the Grey project. It is going well to say that I was able to find and place the java SQLite software on my Mac, so now everything is working. I've discovered things that JFRED could do that I didn't realize. I'm impressed with Paco Nathans work on it. That one package has given me more of an education than the brick and mortar universities failed miserably at. I'm sure there are good schools somewhere but we don't have them in Georgia, unless maybe Georgia Tech can do it. I've had to educate myself despite having about 200 credit hours of  college in Georgia. That's a story for another time.

On the music front, I think my next album will drop on 08/23/2024. It's called Georgia Jungle. It doesn't mean anything and the name was an accident where my working title got glommed into the upload stream and I just left that. Sometimes things write themselves.

I am no longer using Distrokid or Tunecore. They owe me money, but they become bitter when you stop using their product. It will save me some money.


Saturday, August 10, 2024

You would have thought that the unenlisted scavenger of smiles is only me or some character that grew up here but moved away. That's why they call this place "where progress is born."


Friday, July 19, 2024

 There were times when a good song seemed to appear out of nowhere, but nowadays you have to program your own playlists to get the distribution you really want. That's why I'm here, to tell you what you really want. Trust me. You don't want to talk to nobody else.

So today I started writing early. I wrote song lyrics, and a short paper about words of a future song, attached to the first song. I'm so creative I can't stay in the lines. I'm crashing baby almost all the time, but  can't pay attention let me hold a dime. I can't focus on you. I can't make a living while I'm lookin at you.

I won't forget the way you said it. To turn impressions in my head. Just before the last touch. It meant so much.

So then I tire of you like my left hand wanders. I want to have one hand to leave me alone, but instead it turns on me. Instead it turns on me.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

 Jack Dastardly seen near Moore's corner in Cedartown. 

Sure, I bet they're going to find him this time. The Hindu guy at the Sunoco apparently works for the people who run the hotels and convenience stores in town. Maybe some business will come here from somewhere else. You never know. It's like those bananas that come from some place before they are ripe. Now we have some people that have nowhere to go and nowhere to stay. They are in limbo between two states of existing. 

Friday, January 17, 2020

Well a lot has happened since we left last time. I got a new leg. I'm still learning to use it. It's partly my leg, but inside is metal.

I'd like to pull the wires from the wall. Did you?

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Super Computer Humans and the Short Drive Assertion

There was this sense that our way would win out in an inevitable identity with good vs evil, and the superiority of science and the truth over ignorance and falsehoods.

There would be a victory of good over evil, and the pendulum of justice would swing in the public's favor. That is the guiding principle of what we believed. It was later to be justified in deeds.

The programmer tracked his lines following each to an inevitable conclusion. He saw the truth of the matter and made corrections where they were necessary.

This was the element of teaching that he was called on to perform. The utmost justification for what a machine would do later. In his life, he had seen the barest inkling of a possibility. There would be a faster, smarter thing that worked much better.

The future would turn out just like the fiction of 40 years ago. Who predicted now?